Danny Esquenazi

Kinetic and Optical Constructivist

.. Color is a power which directly influences the soul.

I conceive art as an expression of the human spirit that brings out what we call beauty, the ordered essence of the human experience.

Danny esquenazi’s exploration of sculpture also ties in with the constructivist domain, both on an arthistic and on a philosophical level. In the artistic realm, he has reestablished the importance of basic lines and geometric contours, as well as the use of basic elements such as wood, all with the intention of achieving dynamic shapes and contours.

on the philosophical level, he suggests a notion of reality that is neither objective nor alien to the subjects that participate in the artistic experience, hinting at a tacit agreement between the creative force behind a work of art and those who observe it

Awards and Honours


Upcoming events

Explore upcoming exhibitions or projects I'll be involved in

I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way - things I had no words for

Mercuria Gallery
Jul 13 - Sept 7

Art Circuit of Cartagena

The circuit of plastic and visual art in the romantic capital of the country, made up of multiple exhibitions and a robust academic agenda

Subasta Rueda Rueda 2023
Fundacion a la Rueda Rueda
Sept 27

Auction of the Rueda Rueda Foundation

With the aim of raising funds for the foundation’s social programs, the tenth version of the renowned auction will be held, where Denise Ratinoff de Lira, Senior Vice President and Head of Christie’s regional offices in Chile, Peru and Ecuador, will act as hammer.

Nov 23 - Nov 26


ARTBO | Fair becomes a vertical experience space that bets on innovative, avant-garde and quality proposals, distributed in Ágora Bogotá – Convention Center


The place where my ideas come together becoming reality, the place of inspiration and hard work. If you are interested in my work, let’s coordinate an appointment for you to come and visit. (Physical or virtual visits)

Latest artwork

All my series evolve over time, see some of my latest pieces..
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